VBN Endorsed
VBN Radio
Welcome To Vero Beach Neighborhood!

In November 2017, founder Danielle Wynkoop created a Facebook group page, Vero Beach Neighborhood (VBN), where Indian River County could be helped by their community neighbors.
Since 2017, the VBN page has grown by the thousands. VBN has not only become the local "water cooler", but it has also become a trusted source for vendors, fundraisers, recommendations, events, and more!
The VBN brand has continued to be built out under Danielle's direction continuing the efforts to reach the community, help the community, and show kindness to one another.
VBN is proud of the work that has been accomplished, with so much more on the horizon! We will continue with our primary focus of helping people. Our moto is, "If you have time to be ugly, you have time to help someone."
Meet The Team

Danielle Wynkoop
VBN Founder and Admin
"If you have time to be ugly, you have time to help someone."
Danielle founded Vero Beach Neighborhood (VBN) in 2017. Filling a much needed space, she was able to combine the deep seated care and neighborly climate of Vero with the demand for internet based interactions. Not knowing the impact that VBN would have on the community she is forever grateful to be
in the position that she is in, helping people, fundraising, and supporting people and business.
Danielle makes it her mission that people feel cared for and know that they are not alone. She says "I am happy to help others and share the love of Jesus with them". Danielle is a firm believer that "...to whom much is given, from him much will be required." (Luke 12:48)".
It's evident that the VBN team means a lot to Danielle. "My whole team uses their own money to help fund events, help others with food and necessities. I've never seen anything like it!" She is grateful for the people around her who share her vision for helping the community and encouraging respectful dialogue both online and in person.
Danielle lives in Vero with her husband Joe, and their 2 adult children.

Sophia Wynkoop
VBN Admin
"I volun-told-ly dedicate my time."
Sophia Wynkoop is the daughter of Danielle Wynkoop. She has been roped into this due to her living situation being is too close proximity to that of her mother's. Sophia gives freely of her time to help with VBN events, monitor the page, and also field messages. She is a wonderful addition to the team!

Mike Peruta
VBN Moderator
"Corn snake, harmless"
Mike is the owner and operator of Amazing Interior Painting. He would like everyone to know that "I wanted nothing to do with being an Admin...and now I am on the website?". Mike's humor is recognizable on VBN, from his coining of the phrase "Black racer, very friendly" to his ongoing war with a local berm-ed neighborhood.
In addition to running his business, he spends his free time moderating the VBN group page. Mike utilizes his own funds to help the community members throughout the year. The hours spent is innumerable and invaluable. Mike lives in Vero with his wife Shannon, and 2 sons.

Rachel McNamara
VBN Moderator
"I'm the other moderator."
Rachel McNamara has been a moderator for VBN since 2020. She and her husband Mike moved to Vero full time in 2017 from the St Louis area after spending several winters here. Rachel is a former teacher and school administrator and her husband is a retired police officer. They have four children, 3 in St Louis and 1 in Dallas. They also have 2 Australian Shepard siblings that keep them constantly busy!
Rachel enjoys everything the Florida lifestyle has to offer: swimming, hiking, boating, paddle boarding, golf and just enjoying being outside and active. She also has a love for books and travel and a passion for learning.
Helping with VBN has given her the opportunity to meet so many wonderful members of our community and to form some great new friendships.

Corrine Griffin
“In Vero, it’s ‘cool to be kind’ and that’s why we wanted to raise our kids here.”
Corrine Griffin is the COO at Aqua Home Care, a Vero-based private home care nurse registry, caring for clients throughout Florida. While Aqua Home Care grows, it is important to us that we connect and support each community we serve.
“Vero Beach will always have a special place in our heart because not only do I live here and plan to stay, but Vero is where the company was founded and our CEO lives here too!”.
Corrine and her husband moved to Vero with her husband and two border collie rescues in 2018. While in a new town, working from home, she really wanted to make some new friends. Corrine loved to travel, but when you move your roots, it is totally different than traveling. Everything was new, exciting, but also could have been lonely. Corrine met Danielle at VBN Bookclub, and the rest is history! Well technically her-story.
Genuine friendship is one of the beautiful things about VBN. That first year in a new place can be tough.
“My bookclub friends, are not just my Facebook friends, but they became real friends who I laughed with (ALOT), we supported each other, enjoyed my enthusiastic nesting & baking phase, and celebrated each others accomplishments along the way. We mostly see each other online, but I love them just the same. You know who you are.”
Now that Corrine and her husband have two children, she sees our community through a different lens. Corrine is even more motivated to connect with our community and be conscious about the businesses they support.
“Danielle, I am so proud of you and where you have taken your business! I am grateful to play a small part in your VBN world and hopefully make a difference along the way. I am most excited to see where we can take VBN Giving back!”.

Geoff Moore
Radio Personality
“Love, laugh and be kind."
Geoff Moore has been a morning radio personality for over 20 years. He retired after 22 years in the business. His career has taken him from upstate New York, to Tampa, to DC and Vero Beach Where he planned to retire. Geoff’s entire career is based on localism, ‘Edutaining’ radio, and making people smile to forget the stresses of their day. He now is the National Affiliations Director for SmartRadio Suite, a parent company of Christian FM, working to plant Christian radio stations throughout the United States.
Geoff is married with two kids. His passions are his faith, family, and community. He believes in VBN and the message they are conveying to the community.